I know it is usually done when a horse is young, but my horse still has her wolf teeth at age 7. Her previous owner did next to nothing with her, so I guess he thought he didn't need to remove them.
If I do it now, how long should I wait before riding her?
How long does it take for a horse to recover after its wolf teeth are removed?
I disagree that wolf teeth are normally shed after a certain age. My vet has certainly never said that - if that was true most people would just let them be.
Also, you had another poster comment that if you aren't having problems you should just leave them be. If you examine your horse's mouth anatomy you'll see that its almost impossible for a horse to carry a bit without some discomfort with wolf teeth. The bit naturally falls right onto the area where the wolf teeth are, and every pull and tug either bumps the tooth, or worse yet, bumps the sensitive gum over the tooth. If you are riding this horse with a hackmore only you are okay, otherwise I think it is worthwhile having done, even at her age.
Lastly, I would ask the vet how long he recommends keeping the bit out of your specific mare's mouth after he's examined her mouth. I have had some horses with very tiny wolf teeth and some with enormous wolf teeth. The size of tooth is likely to impact how much digging the vet had to do. Also, some of my horse's wolf teeth came out with very little effort, and I've had others that the vet had to really work and sweat to get out. So some horses may be comfortable carrying a bit in a week or even less, and others may end up taking two or three times longer. On the plus side, this is a good time of the year to have them removed as you probably aren't doing alot of serious riding, and by spring things will be long healed up.
Good luck with your mare!
Reply:Usually just a day or two unless you can ride in a hackamore.
We used to ride yearlings and 2 year olds within 48 hours of having their's done based on the advice of the dentist.
Reply:You could ride her with a halter or a bosal days after.
But I would hold off putting a bit in her mouth for a month. It takes a while for the swelling and scar tissue to heal up.
She will be sensitive for a while, my suggestion would be a month with no bit.
Reply:Wolf teeth are generally shed around 2-5 years of age. IF they are not bothering her then there is no need to have them removed.
I would give 2 weeks for the healing process, before putting a bit back in the mouth. You can ride her the next day in a halter, bosal or other bitless bridal.
Reply:They are like wisdom teeth in people. Normaly do not remove them unless they are causing problems. I would give it a couple days before you put the bit back in the mouth but I've never not had one act normal after the procedure.
Why fix whats not broke?
Reply:id say dont use a bit for like a month
Reply:ask the person that did the horses teath
Reply:I'm going to agree with Lisa and Mule on this, because I've only seen one horse (2 years old) have his wolf teeth removed...the same day he was gelded. Funny story; when the second one was cut, he whinnied. It's like he was whinnying goodbye to his studhood. Poor fella, goes to sleep comfortable and wakes up hurting on both ends. We used to call him our little Stud Muffin, but now that's he's gelded, he's just our Muffin.
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