Saturday, November 14, 2009

*Pets* What is floating teeth where horses are concerned?

I seen earlier today a question about a old horse and it not the details it said the horse's teeth is floating????....What does this mean?

Thank you in advance for all your help!

*Pets* What is floating teeth where horses are concerned?
Floating a horse's teeth means to grind down sharp points on their molars. Go to horse dentistry for more information.
Reply:horses can get points on their teeth that can make eating uncomfortable. floating is where an equine dentist or vet comes and basically takes a file and files the points down.
Reply:To float a horse's teeth certainly sounds funny. Floating means to smooth or contour your horse's teeth with a file (called a "float"). Unlike your own teeth, your horse's teeth keep growing. At times, your horse's teeth may develop sharp edges, making it difficult for her to chew food, hold a bit, or simply have pain and discomfort inside her mouth.

An adult horse may have between 36-44 permanent teeth. And just like humans, your horse gets two sets of teeth in her lifetime. Your horse starts out with temporary baby teeth and by age five, will most likely have her full set of permanent teeth.

The horse's front teeth cut hay and grass, while the top and bottom cheek teeth grind the forage between the flat surfaces in a sideways motion. This grinding action breaks down the food into a pulp before swallowing which helps it to be digested better. If your horse is unable to grind down food all the way due to uneven teeth surfaces, the unchewed food will not be digested as well.

Most often, points develop on the upper cheek teeth toward the outside of the mouth next to your horse's cheek. And on the bottom cheek teeth toward the inside of the mouth next to your horse's tongue. These points can then cut into the cheek and tongue making your horse uncomfortable.

Though it may seem tedious and like a burden, you know having routine dentist check-ups contribute to the overall good health of your own teeth. Well, your horse is no different and deserves some of the same attention to her teeth as you give to yours. Confined horses or those that do not have the ability to graze all day are more prone to teeth overgrowth, as they are not naturally grinding their teeth all day to keep them smooth. Also, just like you, your horse can have other dental problems. A horse can have excessively worn teeth, loose or broken teeth, or infected gums.

One sign that your horse's teeth may need to be floated is if she is consistently dropping food from her mouth and you start seeing signs of weight loss. Your horse may also exhibit behavior like head-tossing or opening her mouth frequently.

Possible horse dental problem indicators:

* Drops food from her mouth

* Exhibits difficulty in chewing

* Excessive salivation

* Loss of weight

* Undigested food particles in manure

* Head-tossing

* Excessive bit chewing

* Resisting having the bridle put on

* Difficult handling while riding

* Mouth odor

* Blood in the mouth

* Face swelling

* Nasal discharge

Because horses are adaptable creatures, even if they are having discomfort, some do not show any signs of dental problems. So don't assume that if there are no symptoms, there are no problems.

Sharp teeth edges can hurt the inside of your horse's mouth causing pain and creating sores on her tongue or cheeks. Your horse may show resistance when riding due to added pain from the bit pressing against the sores.

The vet or equine dentist will carefully file all your horse's teeth that need smoothing to achieve a flat grinding surface between the upper and lower teeth. Having your horse's teeth floated is well worth it so she digests her food better, is in better spirits, and makes riding more enjoyable for you both.

How often floating is necessary varies quite a bit from one horse to another. Some horses seem to have slower-growing teeth and may require floating only once every several years while others may require floating every few months. Even if your horse does not require her teeth to be floated often, it is still a good idea to have her teeth and gums examined once a year.

The procedure the vet typically uses to float your horse's teeth is to first sedate your horse to make her relaxed. A special halter is put on with a rope thrown over a ceiling rafter or the equivalent in order to hold your horse's head up. A mouth speculum is used to keep your horse's mouth open. The vet will then either manually file your horse's teeth using a rasp in a back and forth motion to flatten the high points, or may use a power tool. The whole procedure is quick and painless - taking about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

If you're like me, you cringe at the thought of someone filing away on your teeth with a rasp. You can imagine the shooting pain from the nerves in your teeth. Personally, the dentist can't give me enough Novocain to make me feel comfortable before poking around or drilling in my mouth.

Unlike us, a horse's nerves end close to the gumline, so there is no nerve where the tooth is being worked on, and therefore does not feel any nerve pain. We humans should be so lucky...
Reply:floating a horses teeth is filing them down because their teeth grow to a point. Horses that dont get their teeth floated have a hard time chewing their food and the bit will hurt their mouth.
Reply:Floating teeth is basically filing the rough edges and points off a horses teeth. Horses' teeth continue to erupt, or grow, throughout most of their lives. The way horses teeth meet up, they way they chew, and how their jaws move makes their teeth wear away unevenly. This uneven wear causes them to develop hooks, and uneven surfaces that will both injure their mouths, and cause their teeth to get caught on one another, effecitvely locking their jaws. They can also have issues causing their teeth to not meet at all, so they cannot chew properly at all. The tools used for this procedure are basically rasps or files and a general equine vet, or more commonly an equine dentist, will use these tools to even the surfaces and allow the horse to chew properly. A dentist will often sedate a horse and use a dental speculum to hold the jaw open so they can see all of the teeth. A general vet generally does not use a speculum and as such cannot always see missing or injured teeth back further in the mouth. I hope this helps.

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