Monday, November 16, 2009

Is my horse overdue or due...?

hi my horse was due to get his teeth done in december, but i didnt get a chance to call the vet out to do it. but i have noticed he hasnt had any problems with his teeth (does this mean i can wait a few more months?) he's been perfectly fine, unlike some horses at our barn that drizzle food from their mouths and bob or shake their head when they're could he wait a little while?

Is my horse overdue or due...?
Sure, you can wait a bit. You don't appear to be having any problems with weight loss or other symptoms.

Floating the teeth is like trimming their feet - some horses need it more often than others.

IMO I prefer the equine dentist using the hand floats over the electric floats. The electrics, in unexpert hands, can take the teeth down much too fast.

Hope this helps.
Reply:Sounds like your horses teeth are OK, I usually have the horses checked by a vet on a regular basis and their teeth getting done if necessary only, some horses have to be done twice a year, others don't require any floating at all, it always depends on how their teeth grind naturally, but a check up is required for all of them.
Reply:You can wait a little bit, but as soon as he shows signs of overgrown teeth, get em done. Gl

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