Saturday, November 14, 2009

Floating A Horses Teeth?

What does that mean?

Floating A Horses Teeth?
It basically means they get their teeth filed or trimmed down. Horses usually need their teeth floated every 2-3 years.
Reply:Filling them down to make it more comfortable for the horse.

The vet usually tranqs the horse and then ties their head up over something above them and uses a device to crank their mouth open.

They then use an electric file which basically looks like a nail file on the end of a drill and files down their teeth.

Horses teeth continually grow over their lifetime and they can grow at weird angles and points that make it uncomfortable for the horse to eat and hold a bit.

The reason this is not necessary for wild horses is that they eat so frequently that it naturally wears their teeth down but for domestic horses, who don't usually eat 24/7, it is necessary, usually every 2-3 years depending on how old the horse is,
Reply:It means that the sharp edges that are created by uneven pressure while the horse is chewing are removed...after a while, due to most horses' tendencies to chew unevenly, certain parts of the tooth remain ground down, while others are not...this leaves painful points on, the dentist goes in and grinds/cuts down these sharp edges to make it more comfortable for the horse.

As you can see in the illustration, that "frontal hook" is a point protruding from the other teeth...that would be removed (just the point that is) in the procedure of floating.
Reply:Short and simple u take a file end pull it through there teeth.
Reply:I get my horses teeth filed once a year. Horses under 3 should be done every 6 months to make sure all the teeth are growing and in the proper place, most dentists here remove wolf teeth so the bit can sit better..

The horse dentist uses a 'gag' that goes in their mouth like a bit but sits in front of the teeth and spreads apart and holds their mouth open, then the dentist can see all the teeth and file off the sharp edges with a file, so the bit sits in their mouth properly and doesn't hurt them.

The more grain your horse eats the more often it needs to be done as grain wears the teeth more and requires more chewing, grass is soft and doesn't wear the teeth so much.

Occasionally I have heard of horses needing to be sedated to have large amounts of work done but general file can be done with no pain to the horse by a qualified Horse Dentist, here in Australia that is the case anyway.
Reply:Horse teeth grow constantly and because of this it's important to make sure they haven't developed sharp edges or other issues.

A vet or equine dentist will come and likely give the animal a tranquilizer. Then they will prop the head and "float" the teeth. The horse's mouth is kept open and the teeth are checked and filed down.
Reply:teeth floating=teeth filing..horses teeth wear over time..sometimes evenly but usually not...sometimes "hooks" are prevalent- a longer curved tooth that interferes with chewing..or the horse may have "ramps" this is when the back teeth are longer than the fronts-they need to be filed as well. Many horse owners are unaware that just like routine medical, and hoof care, horses need routine dental care too. If your horse is having trouble with could be related to the teeth...if your horse is "quidding"..leaving hay balls in their stall...or not finishing their grain..then its a sure sign of neglected teeth. Hope this helps ;0)
Reply:The Vet will come out, take a big rasp-like they use on wood-and file your horses teeth down...they do this because horses' teeth never stop growing...ever heard that phrase "Long in the tooth" ? Same thing. :) It should be done regularly and can result in severe health problems if not done correctly or regularly...

hope that helps

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