Thursday, November 12, 2009

When were your horse's teeth last floated by a competent equine dentist?

lats fall. all 15 of them were (as in 15 horses not teeth) if you think doing horses is fun try doing a pony. they don't make the jaw openers for them.....

When were your horse's teeth last floated by a competent equine dentist?
January, as my horse is 17 I get her checked at least every 6 months.
Reply:i have had three horses and also board two more(all mares). we have had horses in the back for 6 years now and none have had to get thier teeth floated.

they all get a vet check every year with all thier shots.i require this of my boarders. if they have good quality feed they will rarely need it done.
Reply:Last year, and she was checked 6 moths ago

when the vet was here doing another group of horses.

Younger horses have more changes in the mouth- my vet recommended checking them twice a year until age 5 or so.

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