Thursday, November 12, 2009

What causes black teeth in a young horse?

Roughly a 5 y.o. possible Thoroughbred mare has black striations on front teeth, and completely black molars and bottom teeth. Doesn't seem to bother her much.

What causes black teeth in a young horse?
You need to have a vet check if the "black" color doesn't wash away when placing water in the mouth. If it starts to fade when placing water in the mouth and rubbing the teeth, then need to check the environment to see what this horse has been placing it her mouth.

She can have Tarter, tooth decay from improper nutrition or oral injury (bit for example).

How are the gums?

At roughly 10 years of age, the Galvayne's groove appears at the gum line of the upper corner incisor. Halfway down the incisor at 15 and all the way down at 20 years of age. By 30, it has disappeared from the corner incisor.

Now you saying this mare has strips on all lower and upper incisors?

Yes, I recommend a vet check. That is abnormal.
Reply:Is she eating alot of dirt? I know that sounds stupid, and she probably isn't, but it could just be dirt. She might have a vitamin deficiency.
Reply:it is due to her age may be, do not worry
Reply:it may be her diet
Reply:if u feed her a lot of treats that r loaded with sugar
Reply:it proably doesnt have anything to do with eating too much sugar. call the vet. ask them they will kno rite away. i have a 10 y.o. thoughbred and she doesnt have anything like that. call the vet . be smart

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