Thursday, November 12, 2009

Horse teeth issues- please help?

I have a 6 year old thoroughbred mare. I do not know when she had her teeth last floated, but I just bought her a few months ago. The vet said she has a sharp tooth, and that is what is causing her to cut into the bit a little. If she is in a bitless bridle now, is there really any reason to float her teeth so soon? In the long run yes, I will float her, but immediately?????

Horse teeth issues- please help?
I would consider having it done because if it is affecting the bit in her mouth, then it is surely affecting her when she eats. Although she may be an easy keep, it may still be painful for her to chew. I'd have it done for the comfort of the horse. Congrats on getting a TB; I've always thought they are beautiful.
Reply:It's probably not a bad idea to get them floated now. She likely is not chewing her food up enough for it to digest properly therefore, she'll lose weight. In Thoroughbreds it's hard enough to keep them with a little weight on them. Bite the bullet, hun. Get the vet. Sorry.
Reply:you should have her teeth done because not only does it affect her handling of the bit but it can also affect her eating. she will eventually start dropping grain when she eats if her teeth get out of hand. take care of it as soon as you can
Reply:Although she is in a bitless bridle you should definatly have her teeth floated. Leaving the tooth sharp may cause her to start biting her cheeks (this happened with my mare) and become more painful for her to chew her food. This inturn could affect her breathing, causing her to develop almost heave like symptoms

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