Saturday, May 15, 2010

How long does it take a horse to get used to a self relise stable?

the people out out were i keep my horse have desided that they are going to make a lot of self relise stables for the horses when there getting feed and i would like to know how long it will take my 33 year old horse to figure out how to let him self out and by the way he is 33 but he can jump e grade and he is in a really good condition he still has all his teeth and he can keep up with the horses in his paddock

How long does it take a horse to get used to a self relise stable?
Sounds like a great 'ol pal that you've been buddies with for a long time. As he is 33 years old, these self-release feeders are going to be a new-fangled nuisance to him. Be there with him and show him how to operate it ;-) These come in two different varieties, the kind that are time-released and the type that are released when the horse hits a "trigger-point" on the foodbox. If's it's the first type, he is gonna raise all kinds of cane until a real, live person shows up with feed bucket in hand. That could be you, but allow the time to arrive and DO NOT put your bucket up there. After a few days, he'll relax and become used to it. If it's the second type, show him how to flip that trigger, and I don't care what the stable owner says. I think those things are evil. I actually believe that people should still be present at feeding times to inspect the horses. I always check out mine during feeding times, both morning and evening. I do allow my horses to free range as I own enough land to do this, but I have a problem with people who want to take care of your horses for big bucks and then don't have the common courtesy to even give these horses a double daily inspection and the human touch that makes them so loveable in the first place. I'd personally ask if my horse's stable could be spared the self-release principle or I'd look for another stable. It all depends on your relationship with your horse and his caretaker.

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