Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it ok to file a dog’s teeth with a hoof rasp?

Is it ok to keep filing until the nerves are exposed? When he is thus rendered defenseless, is it ok to subject him to a brutal beating? It’s NOT acceptable, but it did happen.

Christopher Lee Barnett, of McMinnville, TN., beat his Siberian Husky, almost to death, and filed his teeth down until the nerves were exposed. Barnett makes his living working with horses and likely used a hoof rasp to do this damage to Lucas' teeth. When Lucas was finally rescued, it became clear that he had suffered multiple brutal beatings.

At this point, Barnett is only being charged with a misdemeanor. Tennesseeans Opposed To Animal Abuse is circling a petition in hopes of putting pressure on District Attorney Lisa Zavagiannis. They want his charges upgraded to a Class E Felony, Aggravated Animal Cruelty, under Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) 39-14-212.

Is it ok to file a dog’s teeth with a hoof rasp?
I've signed the petition and written a nice little note to go along with it.

As for children being able to read this, perhaps those children's parents shouldn't be leaving them unsupervised on the internet. Also noting that I believe the minimum age to use this is 12 or 13. There are FAR worse things I have seen in questions on Y!A than this.

Danne - You are a moron. To say that Yahoo Answers users make up for 100% of dog fighters is absolutely ignorant. Most of those idiots probably can't even muster up the brain power to turn a computer on. I'm surprised you managed it.

ADD: Even if these online petitions aren't effective, at least someone is trying to do SOMETHING about this! I do agree that the posting could have been a bit less graphic now that I think about it, considering the link to the petition contains those details and a bit more. Online is the way to do things these days's much easier and ten times faster and more convenient to get someone to type in their name than to get someone to sit down and write a formal letter.

ADD 2: No, you are right. I just think it is a good way to get knowledge of the case out there. Like the asker said, there is information for writing an actual letter along with the petition, and people may do so if they please. I suppose an online petition is not the most effective course of action, but as I said at least it is something.

Since the case is in the asker's hometown they will be able to actually bring the petition. Who knows, maybe it will have some effect. (Or affect. I always get those confused...)
Reply:my first thought on reading this question was ARE YOU CRAZY! then i read the whole question and really thought some people are crazy. where can i sign or even find this stupid person. he needs to locked up to save him from treatment.
Reply:If he had done this to a human, it would be a felony. It's sick, and disgusting to think someone would do this to a dog. He deserves severe punishment. Glad to see someone standing up for our 4 legged friends without a voice.
Reply:Personally I would have preferred not to have read this. I agree with Rosalie, there are younger children and such that can sit here and see this with no problem. It's a rather graphic description.

There's also the fact that it's been proven online petitions don't really do anything, if you want to help get out there with a physical piece of paper and some pens.

By and by though, quite a sick individual to do this. I shudder at the thought, and cuddle my Aussie girl.


True enough Starz, though personally even I regret clicking this one.


Again true Starz, but online petitions are more of a way to make the person signing it feel like their doing something. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I have never seen an online petition get taken seriously by who ever or what ever the people are petitioning for or against.
Reply:I signed that petition and left a piece of my mind as well. Thanks for sharing. That monster needs to be locked up. People need to understand that people who would tortue an animal are sociopaths in the making!

Edit- Amen Starzoom!

it's just sickening what people do to animals..

if they can be that cruel and torture an animal, who is to say they wouldn't do it to a child or human if given the chance. I want mentally disturbed people off the streets.
Reply:I have always thought that the abuse of an animal should be dealt with harshly. It is just one step away from doing the same to HUMAN.
Reply:Oh baby, I was about to let you have it!!!!

Of course I will sign, and if I get around to it, write a petition.

I got a vio for a similar Q a few weeks ago. So I would pick BA quickly. It will still get seen.
Reply:signed!!! with a nice letter to go along with it.

Animal cruelty is so sad..
Reply:Wow, that did so much for me. I guess that you are talking to the right people, the ones who use YahooAnswers make up for 100% of dogfighters. Great job wasting your time.
Reply:First of all, I agree this question SHOULD be a violation.

I for one do not want to have such gfraphic toruredescribed where children can be reading it - or me, for that matter, so thanks so much for making my teeth hurt.

In addition, online petitions are at least as convenient for us as they are for the recipient - the only thing that will ever make s difference is a physical letter, sent to the investigator as well as to the prosecutor's office.

Stop doing this - it's as horrible in some ways as the crime.
Reply:Well why do you write so much in the first place and second of all hold on let me say this loud and clear ARE U CRAZY! I have no clue!!!

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