Monday, May 17, 2010

Lump on my horse's jaw area?

There's some king of lump on my horse's madibular bone. I think it's a tooth, my mom think's it's a little tumor and the manager at my stable say's it's a cacium deposit. It's about the size of a grape. It's feels hard and is somewhat atached to the jaw.

And yes, it is under the skin!!!

What do you think it is?

Lump on my horse's jaw area?
if the lump is close to the joint it probably is a calcium deposit like your manager said. if the horses eats pore quality hay or is in a pasture then it could be a sticker that got stuck in the horses mouth or under the skin and now it has festered. if that is the case it will soon pop and yellow pus will come out. if this happens wash it and it will heal on its own. in any case it might be a good idea to call the owner of the horse and see if you should take it to the vet for them.
Reply:How old is the horse?

Is it under the mandible bone, on the side, exactly where, your talking the largest bone in the horses body there.

Is it moveable, fixed, hard, soft?
Reply:Hey! How old is your horse? If he or she is in or over there prime age, it's not a tooth. I have been riding for 10 years and I have seen plenty calcium deposits but they are usually on the joints which is a form of arthritis. Your stable manager probably has a good idea. But.... a lump is a lump! My best advice is to get your vet to look at it soon. It could be an infection like an abscess which is just from bacteria and easily fixed. I wish you best of luck, and hope your horse is better soon!
Reply:sounds like an abcessed tooth...tell them to get a vet out there and check it uncle's mare had an abcessed tooth and that's what it sounds like


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