Monday, May 17, 2010

What is wrong with my horse?

My horse pulls its head down all the time and chumps on the bit! Does it need its teeth floated or a different bit or what can i do to stop it?

What is wrong with my horse?
try tightning the headstall and when was the last time his/her teeth floated? that is very important b/c if their teeth aren't floated, it can lead to some MAJOR mouth problems!!!

the peices on the sides of the headstall running to the bit should be tight enough to where you can see 3 wrinkles on each side of the outside of the horse's mouth.
Reply:Is the bit sitting in the correct place? What bit are you using? Is it the correct size? Is this a new problem? Please add some more info so we can try to help!
Reply:I would suggest that you get him/ her checked over by a vet making sure teeth are checked.
Reply:if it's a well behaved horse than giveit a hackamore.
Reply:everytime your horse does that make sure that you use your legs and kick or sqeeze to make him start moving
Reply:How old is he .My horse is completely healthyand his bit works fine and fits eprfectly yet he does it.
Reply:I'd say get a riding lesson to have someone who knows riding watch you from the ground. A horse I was training used to do that but I found if I rode her on a soft but steady contact she'd be ok, she'd just chomp down on the bit if I didn't hold her lightly.
Reply:Sounds like his teeth. I'd call your vet and have his teeth checked they probably need floated.

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