Friday, May 21, 2010

The dwarf!?

A guy owns a horse farm. One day a friend phones him up , "I've sent a dwarf with a speech impediment to see you. He wants to buy a horse". Sure enough the dwarf turns up.

Dwarf asks "I want to buy a horth"

The owner asks him "Do you want a male horse or a female horse ?"

The Dwarf replies "A female horth"

The owner shows him a Mare.

"Nithe Horth" says the Dwarf, "can I thee her eyth?" The owner picks up the Dwarf to show him the Horses eyes.

"Nithe eyth" says the Dwarf "can I thee her teeth?" Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth.

"Nithe teeth, can I see her eerth?" The Dwarf asks. By now the owner is getting a little fed up, but again picks up the Dwarf to show him the horses ears.

"Nithe eerth," he says "Can I see her twot?" With this the owner picks up the Dwarf and shoves his head deep between the horse's legs, holding him there for a second before pulling him out %26amp; putting down.

"Perhaps I should rephrathe that" said the Dwarf, "can I see her wun awound?"

The dwarf!?
Really funny, got tears in eyes on that one! lol.
Reply:nithe one

I better not tell the one about the dwarf with learning difficulties - Its not big and its not clever!
Reply:Gweat one!
Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh

Reply:LOL excellent, star for you, babe.x
Reply:That's very naughty
Reply:well he did ask, pmsl

star time

Reply:lol nice real nice
Reply:bwahath hath hath fery phunny and a thtar !

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