Monday, May 17, 2010

Americans - are those your own teeth???.............?

......or are you breakin them in for a horse?

Sorry but theyre dazzlin my eyes and they look ridiculous.

I'm english and no-one is ever dazzled by our teeth. Thanks.

Americans - are those your own teeth???.............?
well...i have to say i've never heard of anyone being dazzled by english my teeth are my own. maybe you're talking about the zoom bleaching.
Reply:hehe... look out Lozzo
Reply:jodi marsh...
Reply:Only the rich in America have dazzling teeth. Most Americans can't afford dental treatment. Just take a look at some chat shows in America, half the audience have teeth missing. This is the way we are going in the UK. Treatment and care for the rich, and basic services for the plebs. Lloyd George would turn in his grave!
Reply:i am dazzled by Simon Cowel's teeth lol
Reply:even if you don't have good Dental, you can have wonderful teeth. Flossing (I don't floss every day even though I should, maybe 3x a week), and quickly brushing your teeth and rinsing after drinking soda or something sugary will stop decay.. (as well as normal brushing in the morning and at night)
Reply:Even Simon Cowl has them.
Reply:Are you talking about the tooth size? Because you may be referring to those who have bad veneers or bad crowns...sometimes they are way too big! My teeth are my own and I am not breaking them in for a horse...are breaking yours in for Austin Powers?

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