Friday, May 21, 2010

After failing as a horse and buggy salesman, I've decided to invent...?

A device about six inches long with some plastic bristles attached to one end. It can be used by rubbing it back and forth across the teeth to remove food particles, thus eliminating the need to use your finger. I'm going to call it a tooth broom, is this a good idea and would you buy one??

After failing as a horse and buggy salesman, I've decided to invent...?
Yes but only if it comes in red. Oh wait, I've got an idea, why not make it in different colors so each family member can tell which one is which. And I'll invent something to put on it. Like tooth scrub.
Reply:i've got one already. sorry
Reply:I don't think it'll work. We're all born with fingers. Why would I buy something to use in it's place?
Reply:You may consider trying to market it with some sort of cleaning agent. Maybe something with a baking soda base.... Otherwise, I think your idea is doomed for failure, my finger works just fine. Good luck!

Also, you may try the name "smile scrubber"... and you can trust me, I'm the guy who came up with "hair manipulator".

Weight on my horse?

I finally got Mo, my Arab, to the vet. WHEW! Needless to say our vet was appalled at the condition of his teeth at only 11 yrs old. She said he was probably a "grain baby"(?). His teeth looked like a roller coaster and it would take us at least 4 years to flatten them out. She did what she could and he can at least eat and will hopefully get more nutrition.

I need to get at least 70-80 lbs on him before winter hits. She said to feed hom more SafeChoice but I have heard some other suggestions on here for fattening him up.

Heard about beet pulp....what is that?

Weight on my horse?
Beet pulp is what is left over after they extract the sugar from sugar beet. It's dried and sold as animal feed.

It is very good for putting weight on horses and keeping them warm through winter but it must be soaked before feeding as it swells up. The length of time you need to soak it varies on the type - you can buy it in pellets, flakes or shreds. The one I use has to be soaked for 12 hours. Generally horses love it.

Don't give them the water you soak it in though as it will have a high sugar content and can make them fizz up fast.

Easi Beet costs more, soaks in 10-15 minutes but the horses don't think it's as nice ( well, mine don't anyway.)

BTW numerous people I know have successfully used unsoaked sugar beet as rat bait - it tastes good, they eat it and die.
Reply:Here is an article on beat pulp, it may be a good alternative since your horse has dental problems.
Reply:I've used Nutrena Empower to put weight on a horse. It is a supplement with a very high fat content. But keep in mind, this is fat, not muscle. If you want muscle, you need more protein. Do not change the diet suddenly -- do it gradually over at least a week.
Reply:Below is some info on beet pulp from (some may be useful)...i would try and add oil to his food , linseed, soya, corn, vegetable...i know a tb who keeps weight horribly...oil added to feeds helped. as did weight gain mix...good luck

Beet pulp contains lots of fermentable fiber and is fairly easy for horses to digest. It is often incorporated into "complete" or "high fiber" commercial concentrates as a source of fiber and some horse owners feed it as a separate "mash" for a variety of reasons, one of the most common being the belief that it is high calorie and will help horses gain weight.

However, beet pulp is not high calorie--it has only slightly more calories than good quality hay and less than an equivalent weight of oats. Beet pulp does contain about 10 percent protein, 0.8 percent calcium and 0.5 percent phosphorus, making it a more "balanced" source of energy and fiber than the more traditional wheat bran (15 percent protein, 0.06 percent calcium, 1.3 percent phosphorus). The high fiber content may "normalize" fermentation in the large colons, resulting in more efficient "digestion" over all, which may be why many "hard keeper" horses that have a significant portion of their grain concentrates replaced with beet pulp seem to maintain better body condition. It has been used to replace over 50% of the forage in horse's rations without adverse effects when fed with other balanced concentrates.

An enduring concern about beet pulp is that if you feed it to a horse dry, it will swell up after it is eaten and cause choke or colic. While some horses have choked after being fed shredded beet pulp, a fairly large university study did not document this problem. This is a good way to encourage increased water intake, especially in the winter. Pelleted, extruded or shredded beet pulp product need to be soaked for old horses and/or those with severe dental problems.
Reply:I have put some websites for you to look at:

This is by far the best one:

Good luck with fattening hinm up! Also talk to your vet about vitamin supplement for your horse.
Reply:You can feed soaked sugar beet and boiled barley is also good for adding weight. You can use just regular corn oil added to the food (same as what you cook with) and just a drizzle over the food is enough. Too much and you could give him the runs. Canola oil can also be used and doesn't have such a laxative effect.
Reply:Corn Oil not veg. oil. It works the best because of the calories. Other common sources of fat include rice bran, linseed, sunflower seeds, full fat soybeans and coconut meal (copra meal). Rice bran is an excellent product for improving body condition of thin horses because it is a good combination of rice oil and highly digestible fiber. Rice bran can be added to the regular grain to increase the caloric density of the ration. Linseed, sunflower seeds and other seeds provide fat in the diet. However, a problem does arise when feeding vast amounts of seeds. As quantities of seeds fed increases, consumption will frequently slow sometimes to the point of total refusal. Roasted soybeans are also great in small quantities but will increase the protein percentage of the diet too much if fed in larger amounts. A high fat diet is a MUST tool for achieving weight gain in a skinny horse. Normally horses have no problem digesting fat as long as it is introduced gradually into the diet. Dietary fat works best when fed in conjunction with grain and/or highly digestible fiber sources like good quality hay.

I hope this helps..... a little food for thought!! LOL
Reply:Good to know you made it to the vet and back!

I have used Weight Builder on my horses. It is a supplement and in 30 days my horse was fat! Good stuff. Expensive but good. I am taking my ole man to get his teeth done tomorrow, not really looking forward to it as I don't know if they have ever been floated!

I can't comment on beet pulp or SafeChoice. Empower is good but read the protien and fat levels. It is high in energy but not so high for getting fat on one.

Use Corn Oil, you can get the store brand. I use those medicine cups that come with Peptobismol or cough meds. Just fill to the top and pour over the feed. I would not use more then that because your horse will get the runs. Not only will this help get weight on him but his coat and hooves will really start lookin good. If you feed corn oil before they start to shed, it will speed up shedding and you will be done with it really fast. Nice slick ponies! I would not feed him senior feed. That feed is geared to keep weight on one, not to build it up. Feed something like Strategy or Omolene 300 or 200.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
Reply:I don't know much about beet pulp, never have used it. I am learning from your answerers links though -good question.

I do however want to mention caution on feeding the corn, vegy, soy, etc. oil thing. "Some" horses get very gassy from it. ( I know this from personal experience) My TB for example, collics hard from it (he is a big baby though).

Anyway, just thought I would share so no surprises.
Reply:okay first i was told by a horse nutrionalist that beet bulp is more of a laxative for horses like the psyllium perfect example the answer you were given stating its high in fiber..... well what happens if you eat too much fiber???? i gave a horse beet pulp once and all it did was give him the runs!!! i feed it to him just as suggested and so i called my nutrionalist friend and that is when he had told me about it being like psyllium. you could try to feed him rice bran about a 16 oz. coffee can per day split in half give half for breakfast and half with dinner.... you could try the senior feed by purina its a very soft feed but be careful as some horses tend to get hot with the sweet feeds like that so just keep an eye on him make sure it doesnt make him crazy hot!! you could also give him a light lunch since horses are grazing animals by nature you could give him a 3-way hay(oat,wheat,%26amp;barley) if he is unable to chew the hay cuz of his teeth you could also give him the alfalfa in the pellet form, like the thoroughbred blend, that is a complete pellet and it also has extra vitamins and good stuff in it for them!!! as with any new feeding program or introducing your horse to a new feed plz be carefull and gradually introduce them to what you are starting them on. i do know the rice bran and senior work i have had to fatten up 3 horses that i rescued a few yrs back and it worked!!! i gave them the rice bran and senior with source one in a bucket with there alfalfa for breakfast and dinner and than for lunch they got a half of a flake of the 3-way hay!!! good luck to you and your horse!!!
Reply:When I first got my horse so was about 200# under weight. My vet told me to feed 25# of alfalfe meal to her and let her eat it free feed till she finishes it, then when she finishes it to dump the other 25# in her feeder. I tryed this and it took about a month for her to finish the alfalfa meal, but she put 200# on. It worked great and she loved it.

If your horse is a hard keeper and wont keep the weight on I would suggest giving Mo a coffee can full of the alfalfa meal and adding a supplement called Cool Calories. This combo works really well for my hard keeper.

Good Luck!!
Reply:i think you've got lots of answers on what beet pulp is and whats in it but i have to say i dont really find it that good for putting on weight i find it as a temporary filler upper lol nice termonology. cuz i mean you have to soak it in water so its basically filling them up real nice but theres not loads of calories in it.

try a higher percentage of pellets that has molasses in it and add canola oil to it to help it stick to the ribs. thats how i fattened up my mare, with good hay many times during the day, they can only use so much at one time!
Reply:also you can use Calf manna it is like a powder and horses love it just take a handfull and put it on there feed should see a big change quickly and it make there hair shine as well.

God and dinosaurs?

Okay, why are creationists willing to give the bible the benefit of the doubt when it doesn't say anything about dinosaurs but they won't extend the same courtesy to evolution for gaps in the fossil record? Gaps which get filled often, i.e. horse teeth? Whale skulls?

God and dinosaurs?
Because they have been taught that their's is the only absolute truth and anything contrary, no matter how logical it is, should not be listened to.
Reply:They talk about leviathans in the bible, and the animals before
Reply:The bible talks about huge animals and beasts
Reply:God does speak of dinosours. but they are called beasts of the earth. Scientists called them dinosours, not God.,

Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

Defination of the word beast-From an unused root (probably meaning to be mute); properly a dumb beast; especially any large quadruped or animal
Reply:if you study the first verses of genises you will realize that God did in fact create dinosaurs
Reply:Job 3:8

8 May those curse it who curse the day,

Those who are ready to arouse Leviathan .


Job 41:1-8

"Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook,

Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?

2 Can you put a reed through his nose,

Or pierce his jaw with a hook?

3 Will he make many supplications to you?

Will he speak softly to you?

4 Will he make a covenant with you?

Will you take him as a servant forever?

5 Will you play with him as with a bird,

Or will you leash him for your maidens?

6 Will your companions make a banquet of him?

Will they apportion him among the merchants?

7 Can you fill his skin with harpoons,

Or his head with fishing spears?

8 Lay your hand on him;

Remember the battle —

Never do it again!


Ps 74:14

14 You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces,

And gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness.


Isa 27:1

In that day the LORD with His severe sword, great and strong,

Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,

Leviathan that twisted serpent;

And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea.


Job 40:15-18

15 "Look now at the behemoth , which I made along with you;

He eats grass like an ox.

16 See now, his strength is in his hips,

And his power is in his stomach muscles.

17 He moves his tail like a cedar;

The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.

18 His bones are like beams of bronze,

His ribs like bars of iron.

Reply:Because you evolutionist but together bones and say "this is a newlly discovered creature," but all it was was a bunch of bones put together, and the truth is truth, God is God and He created all life, gave life a law we broke that law and now we need a savior, that savior is Jesus Christ, to intersede on our behalf to God so that we can be forgiven of our sins and recieve eternal life.
Reply:The bible is an interesting piece of litterature. It is part of many middle eastern tales and legends . It is a work of fiction, a creation of men.

Dinosaurs were fascinating animals that populated the Earth a long time ago. Remains are comonly found in many different places. They existed and were part of evolution.
Reply:Who said Dinosaurs was not in the bible?

Go open your bible and look on JOb 40:15-24.

It is written in NKJV, that God created 'Behemoth' who is a powerfull creature known by his strength who have tail like cedar, does it resemblance to Brontosaurs to you?

and Open Job 41:1-12. In the bible also mentioned 'Leviathan' who out of his mouth go burning lights, have an scale like armor, flame from his mouth, all of this is the description of dinosaurs to me.

Why Bible didn't mention any 'Dinosaurs' name? Lol offcourse because book of Job is written even before english is found.

And why all this beast is now gone? THe best conclusion is when there is a flood in NOah time that wipe away all the dinosaurs and make them as a fossil. (but this is just only my conclusion:P)
Reply:So the Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs.

It doesn't mention alot of animals.

It doesn't even mention water fawcetts and newspapers.

What shall we conclude?

Let's conclude the Bible is a book with a theme and the writers stuck to theme good writers do.
Reply:Who is saying that the Bible does not talk about dinosaurs?

Read it for youself: Genesis 1:20-24

And God went on to say: “Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.” And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good. With that God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.” And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.

And God went on to say: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.” And it came to be so. And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good.

This was the fifth day or creative period, can you name all the kind of animals? Could it be dinosaurs included?
Reply:If you are looking for answers to this bible question, look at the book of Job. Job and his friends are in deep discussion over matters like on this site. Chapters 39-till the end of the book.

It begins with, ""Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?

Chapter 40 15-24 gives a great description of an animal...

"Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly! His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron. He ranks first among the works of God, yet his Maker can approach him with his sword. The hills bring him their produce, and all the wild animals play nearby. Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh. The lotuses conceal him in their shadow; the poplars by the stream surround him. When the river rages, he is not alarmed; he is secure, though the Jordan should surge against his mouth. Can anyone capture him by the eyes, or trap him and pierce his nose?

The tail is like a cedar. This is no hippo my friend. The river rages and he is not alarmed. This is a massive create inwhich I believe is a dino.
Reply:I'm trying to figure out if there were two or seven brontosaurs, stegasauruses, triceratops, and some of the largers herbivores on the ark. There would have been only two T. rex. There isn't enough room on the ark for every living species, and the dinosaurs make the problem worse. It's clear they were there, since God commanded "every thing that creepeth upon the earth" and Noah obeyed.

men dress shoes

BBC programme, 'Any Dream Will Do' ?

I reckon that Lee's (the one with black curly hair) the best. Great singer and drop dead gorgeous!

Keith should be next to go in my opinion (the one with the horse teeth - not for that reason though). Too young.

Who does anyone else think should win?

BBC programme, 'Any Dream Will Do' ?
Personally, i love Lewis, although he is not your sterotypical Joseph!..

Lee looks the part definatly!! i think he should win!
Reply:Yeah, i agree- Lee IS a great singer and actor!
Reply:I like that quiet guy,can't remember his name, the one that works in that porter cabin.
Reply:Nooooo, I think keith should win. Nexty to go should be lewis...hasnt got a strong enough voice for my liking.

I dont really want Lee to win purely because he seems so full of himself it would be good to see him knocked down and someone who had never sung in a musical to win.
Reply:All of them are talented...

But Daniel.

He can sing, dance, act and he also looks like a Joseph.
Reply:Yes i agree Lee is brilliant, but............ i also like keith, he has a fantastic voice for musicals, yeah he's young, but what does that matter, i think he's fab!! Theres not many of them i dont like except Ben, he should have went out weeks ago!!
Reply:Lee's fantastic, I got shivers down my spine when he sang last night, but I'm also warming to Craig, I didn't rate him much at first but he takes all the criticism and advice on board each week, goes away, works hard and the improvements are always noticeable, I think he stands a good chance.

I used to really love John Barrowman but I'd like to slap him with some rhubarb at times, he's quite arrogant
Reply:I want Ben or Lee to win they are both great I really wan't pig man Craig out he is too ugly and orange to be Joseph
Reply:Lee looks the part, but I much prefer Daniel. He's gorgeous!
Reply:i agree Lee is the best i don't like Keith or Lewis and I'm not to keen on Ben i like




but for me its Lee to win
Reply:No, I love Keith! But I want Lee to win for reasons of my own.

Daniel is also fantastic.

HTH : )

Did Hilary Duff get a nose job?

Yeah rhinoplasty...her nose sure looks different. She looks like she has a face lift. And horse teeth...ok veneers. And anorexia...

I'm not trying to be superficial, but honestly, I miss Lizzie McGuire. Not Lindsay Lohan look-a-like. What happened to them...?

This isn't what a girl looks like nor what a girl should look like. ***IT'S NOT HOT IT'S VILE!!!!!***

Did Hilary Duff get a nose job?
The question should be what hasn't she gotten done.
Reply:Somehow a lot of Hollywood people get lured into thinking they would look better with plastic surgery, when in my humble opinion, their look is what got them to Hollywood.

She probably did have a nose job and more.

It's sad....and dangerous, and unnecessary.
Reply:Yeah her new videos scare me..acting all emo. I still have my set of Lizzie McGuire books that I bought when I was little. :)
Reply:It's a possiblity! She could add it to the rest of her that's fake! I mean I love her but those teeth caps the nose job that's not the person we grew to love! I miss the old Hilary Duff! I want her back.
Reply:and she got a face lift
Reply:NO OMG Hilary Duff is SOOOOOO pretty and amazing and talented OMG i love hilary duff. She is my inspurasion!!! She is soooooo cool!

Who's the ugliest celeb that everyone thinks is gorgeous?

I think Reese Witherspoon is not that great. Everyone just raves about her beauty. She has a hideous underbite and horse teeth. She's "cute" but not ravishing. Also, Lindsay Lohan looks like an anorexic crack whore. I never thought she was pretty. Who do you think is not good looking yet everyone raves about?

Who's the ugliest celeb that everyone thinks is gorgeous?
Paris HIlton.
Reply:Tara Reid or Paris Hilton.
Reply:I have to admit, I have never seen what is so great about Julia Roberts. She's an attractive person; I guess it's just a matter of personal taste. There is just something about the characters she plays that puts me off. Don't know what.
Reply:Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. They are complete freaks.
Reply:Tom cruise,mel gibson,johnny depp...
Reply:George Cloony
Reply:Pamela Anderson! she's nothing but a pair of big, fake, nasty breast.... i bet if she hadn't had breast enlargement, she wouldn't even be famous!
Reply:Justin Timberlake and Pam Anderson.
Reply:Paris Hilton....I mean, except for her wallet, what does this woman have to offer? She is not lovely.
Reply:paris hiton and zack effron
Reply:Cher and Paris Hilton.
Reply:Angelina Jolie

Reply:Paris and her sister Nikki, Julia Roberts (love the King of the Hill joke "A horse is a horse of course, of course"), and Jennifer Lopez looked like a man before money came along.
Reply:OMG, the two you mentioned are the ones I was thinking about...Id have to put Nicole Richie in there too.

Are people blind or what?
Reply:You don't have a pic of yourself on your Y!A profile, so how do we know you're not just some bitter "ugly" person yourself?

Looks are fine and all, but they don't last forever and they won't get you into heaven.
Reply:I don't find anything attractive about Tom Cruise. Mel Gibson is an arrogant winkled up old ***hole.
Reply:Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock
Reply:Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton
Reply:paris hilton and tara reid
Reply:Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johanson.
Reply:orlando bloom, reese witherspoon too, angelina jolie she looks like a alien.
Reply:Paris or Tori Spelling
Reply:Scarlett Johansson, Allison Hannigan, Tara Reid, Jaime Pressly, Keira Knightly, Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Eva Longoria, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, the list goes on...
Reply:Nelly Furtado. She is one ugly slag. Cannot BELIEVE anyone likes her.
Reply:either Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan.. i think Nicole Richie has a pretty face but her body is too thin
Reply:Reese Whiterspoon
Reply:Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie, though I've never heard it claimed that they are gorgeous.

Jennifer Love-Hewitt.

Never understood what anyone saw in Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner, either.
Reply:Brittany Spears. She looks like a street whore.
Reply:justin timberlake to me he is the uggliest and i hate his music
Reply:johnny depp
Reply:Hilary Swank, Scarlett Johannson

Made in Gods image?

i cannot percieve how man can be made in Gods image

i look at my own deteriorating body and consider its many faults

I look at the skin growths, the irregularities, the failing

i consider my youth and my bodys failure to meet

even a small amount of beauty requirements,

big belly

no butt

fatt hips

no boobs

bow legs

big feet

knobby knees

horse teeth

big lips

pug nose

small eyes

hair where there shouldn't be

i look at man kind in pictures and see

an almost garbage heap representation

haggard miskept mishapen, foul in appearance and foul in smell, and foul in deed and thought

in all aspects foul and most often...hopeless

There are men and women of every race who look like Gods

there are those who think like Gods

there are those who act like God

and there are those who love like God

they are very far and few between.

more often than not

i recoil from the entirety of mankind and the visage I see in the mirror

and something within me says

how can man be made in Gods image

and represent such apathy, unkemptness, and regrettable miscreation

how can this be Gods image

is the fall from grace so destructive that it turns man into this

tortured gargoyle representation of God

and i can't wrap my mind or heart around it

my understanding is too limited.

Where what when and how can I find an exact representation of man

made in Gods image,

does such a thing exist

or is it a mythical what was once.

it disturbs me

because those I am to have mercy upon

repulse me completely,

their mind, their heart, their vision, their bodies

fill me with a nihilistic horror

wrapped in twisted hopeless dread.

Made in Gods image?
your funny

got one head, two arms, two legs, and a body

thats close enough for me :)
Reply:I think it's more likely that God was created in the image of man. Why else would he have such a violent temper?
Reply:God gave us a Spirit thats what it means in the images of God to me. We have a soul.
Reply:You have to understand that we are made in Gods image, but when Adam ate of the fruit, that brought in sickness and diesese, because Satan then became ruler of this world, so the corruption that he was came into the world.
Reply:If that's true - he must be well hung - look at John Holmes.
Reply:you are made in God's image, the upkeep is all up to you. and from listening to all that babbling drivel its clear you haven't been getting your oil changes regularly.
Reply:You are looking only at your shell, your body.. You are more than that. You are mind as well, and spirit too. All three of these are needed to make you, You.. You can't be you without your mind. You can't be you if your body is not there. And you can't be you without some spiritual being... You are a triune person. Three that make up one.. That is how you are in the image of God.. He is also 3 that are one... IHS Jim
Reply:people who created god were not very creative, so created god in human image, well atheists have better imagination-just think about the invisible pink unicorn or the flying spaghetti monster!
Reply:Yet another person who apparently believes beauty can only exist on a magazine cover. You know what? Get some SELF ESTEEM! Stop worrying about being pretty, you obviously we're not born with a movie star forte, so live your life as a way you like. And maybe god is ugly, so what? beauty is subjective, no?
Reply:Spiritual image not physical. I think people like to think God looks like us physically. Once again, man creating God in his image. God is Spirit. Spirit is not a corporeal being.

John 1:3,5,24;


The one we know as Christ Jesus is the first creation created in the image of

God and a heaven being same as God. Gen.1:26; God said,"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." We are born in the imperfections of sin and dying from birth so that death and desease can happen any time, as we are the offsprings of Adam and innocent of all this. Christ Jesus will save all from this in the time frame given, we can know all but the day and the hour that this process begans. 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53;
Reply:“God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1:27) Being made in God’s image does not mean that we were made so as to look like God, but, that God put in the first humans the potential, the ability to exercise His own qualities. They became God's children. And most children to to act like their father or mother. In fact, sometimes a son is so much like his father that he is called “a chip off the old block.” And so it should be with us. Remember we are urged to “become imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Eph. 5:1)
Reply:Lighten up on yourself.

Yes you and I are made in God's image we are designed to be able to fellowship with God unlike the animals. Did you know that the Bible says that Jesus was not good looking at all? It describes Jesus as someone you would totally ignore in a crowd. The thing that drew people to Jesus is His love and concern for people from all walks of life. His GLORIFIED body IS beautiful as will be yours.
Reply:You are still able to reason, be articulate, and be creative. So indeed, you are still in the image of God, though marred by sin. Indeed, fall from grace is very destructive. But note: "Image of God" is not limited to the physical. Bible says, "God is spirit..." (John 4:24) and not limited by space. You are not your body.

As to "exact representation", look to Jesus who is said to be "the radiance of God's glory and exact representation of the Father" (Hebrews 11:3). In him alone there's salvation...Not only of your soul, but also of your body in resurrection (Romans 8:22-23; 1 Corinthians 15:53-57).


Who Album will sale better in Sept. Kanye west or 50 cent?

50 said his album is going to crush kanye's. i think kanye album is going to crush 50"s. i dont like 50 cent, he tries to make money by dissin' other artist, he cant even open his mouth wide enough to rap with those big horse teeth. kanye tell stories with his music, and he makes nice beats. SO WHO DO YOU THINK WILL SALE MORE WHEN THERE CD DROP.

Who Album will sale better in Sept. Kanye west or 50 cent?
I like them both, but I believe Kanye will outsell 50. He is a very talented young man who can back up his ********* with skill, personality and intelligence.
Reply:Kanye will definetly outsell fiddy. Sure fiddy had most cd sales of tha year wit his last cd but that was bfore he was caught lip syncing. Now a lot of people hate him fer that. below is tha vid of him lip syncing.
Reply:Like a Thousand people already asked this. Kanye is going to sell more
Reply:I am personally digging Kanye West's new album,but I think 50 Cent will ultimately sell more records.
Reply:i think 50 because he was said to have way more collaboration on his CD like with artists
Reply:even tho i hate 50 he will sell more!!!!........

BUT Kanye's will be way better
Reply:I think west will do way better.

Plus I can't stand 50
Reply:Anyone with a brain would say Kanye. 50 Cent has way too many haters (including me) and Kanye West has a bigger fan base anyway.

Y&R Fans- Does anybody else miss the old Colleen and the old Victoria?

I really like the old Colleen. She was really pretty and talented. This new one is kinda fat and not all that pretty.

I loved the old Vicky! The one on now is ugly with huge gappy horse teeth. I know she Thad Luckinbill's r/l wife, but geeze, couldn't they have found anyone better?

Y%26amp;R Fans- Does anybody else miss the old Colleen and the old Victoria?
I don't remember the old colleen. The one that is on right now is leaving the show. Her last air date will be around July 30th. There is going to be a new Colleen. I heard that they are getting rid of the current Colleen and replacing her because she has gained so much weight. I don't care what people say, the girl is definitely overweight. People are just not honest about their weight these days. Maybe this is why they are saying 2/3 of Americans are overweight and over 20% of Americans are obese. When you are on the number one rated show, you should definately care about what you look like. Some people will say that it had nothing to do with her weight but I feel that it is obvious that her weight is why she was let go considering the fact that the new Colleen is Lily's size.

I also agree with you about Victoria. I liked Heather Tom much better. I also look at her teeth every time she talks. She is always messy looking. She looks like she never brushes her hair even. Not a very professional look for an professional business woman. This Victoria has been on the show before she married J.T. So, she didn't get the job because of him. I don't even think that she dated him until after she had been on the show for a little while. I personally don't like her and J.T together. Their scenes together bore me greatly.
Reply:I really hate the new victoria! I think it's the teeth.
Reply:me, me,me...I miss them both. I am getting used to the new girls, but the new Colleen is no longer on the show...I miss the old Vicki
Reply:I prefer the old actors too but I don't think Colleen is fat...She has a healthy body type that women need to look up to.
Reply:I don't Colleen is all that fat, she is a normal body type for a woman. I do miss the old actress they had for those roles. I think they need to fix up Victoria then maybe she will look better.

Also they can get rid of Lily!!!!
Reply:Yes I miss the old Victoria, Heather Tom. She was the best and no one can play that role as good as she could. Colleen is just like Mac. They keep changing her so I gave up hope on it. But the current one is not fat by normal standards which is about a size 8.
Reply:OMG....this colleen is leaving?? I hate that! She is not FAT by any means. Now her mom Tracy OH YEAH. Colleen has a nice figure and should be proud of that. No one has the perfect body and others should look up to her. I notice she does feel self conscience of her body on the show by the clothes she wears. I hate that. She is equally as pretty as the last colleen....much more mature looking.

As for vicki. DONT like this one. I honestly dont think the old one would even be suitable for Bradley Carlton. I dont think she would put up with as much BS. The new one is fraile and weak has she turned the character into. Its sad!
Reply:Actually, I think the current Colleen has a prettier face than the last Col, and also this Colleen has beautiful hair. I'm not going to comment on her weight, because although I'm back in a size 6, I was once in a 12. Weight happens, we're women!

Yes to the old Victoria though...
Reply:I prefer the new Colleen because she looks like an adult,the other one looked way too young.

As for Victoria,I like the new one better.The old Victoria was always in a bad mood.This Victoria seems more laid back.
Reply:I was getting to like this colleen and in no way is she fat I used to be a size 2 but now not so much lol... and I believe she has a nice figure As for Victoria I havent liked this one since she started and would love to see Heather Tom come back,she played Victoria with spunk and fire plus she was pretty and her clothes fit her age. This one they dress like she is 60!!
Reply:i miss Heather Tom :(
Reply:I don't think that the current Colleen is fat and ugly. I think she is really pretty and as far as size is concerned, i think people put to much emphasize on people's weight and not their ability to do their job well. However, I think she is of normal size, truly everyone is not and cannot be a size 2, and the sooner people accept and realize that the better off we will all be. IMO if we all looked alike the world would be boring. Yet, I do miss the old Colleen and truly miss the old Victoria. This new chick does not look a child of Victor and Nikki Newman, and she sure does not look like the Victoria who didn't take mess from anyone, nor does she appear to be Brash-N-Sassy!
Reply:old Victoria yes, I can't even remember the old Coleen.

Do you think carma took Anna Nicole Smith son? For her being a greedy, money hungry two timing tramp?

Trim Spa Baby, look at my horse teeth!

Do you think carma took Anna Nicole Smith son? For her being a greedy, money hungry two timing tramp?
The authorities are looking into this one and there were only 3 people in the room...she never did get the money from her senior husband...maybe she had a pile of insurance on the boy.........
Reply:jealous are we? Women have a gift and are designed to use that with it.
Reply:That's terrible. He died on accident....God doesn't "punish" people like that.....

Oh, and Karma is spelled with a K not a C.
Reply:Now WHY would HER Karma Affect Her Son! He's was his OWN Person!
Reply:WOW how freakin cold man. she may be what you say but she just lost her kid. have some respect. have some compassion.
Reply:That is one nasty, heartless thing to say.
Reply:Stop being mean, no parent should loose a child, at a time like this, one should forgive ones actions, people say that she is a great mother under all that theatrical act!!
Reply:u r a beast! Don't say that! he died.. for reasons not yet disclosed but even if Anna does deserve some karma this defiently would be taking it wayy too far and her son should not have to pay for anything she did.
Reply:I don't know. Do you think God made Dick Cheney's daughter a lesbian? For being a greedy, money hungry, two-terming tramp?
Reply:No, and that's just mean to think that way.
Reply:I always say what goes around comes around. She married a man who was one step away from his grave and he did die which probably made her happy coz...cha-ching she gets some of his millions. For all the craziness and obscene things she's done there is a payback and that's...........the life of her son. Unfortunately, she is a dumb twit who likes to get naked to get noticed. You say the death of her son was karma I say it's destiny just waiting to happen.
Reply:Apparently you do not have children and if you do god help them!! even if you do not like her that is a cold hearted thing to say! I hope karma (thats the correct spelling) dosnt bite you in the ***!!
Reply:Why do people come on here being so judgemental. Just answer the question or move on.

When I heard about that I got to admit Karma was the first thing that popped in my head. No matter how rich you get, life has a way of smacking you down if you arent living right

Who Album will sale better in Sept. Kanye west or 50 cent?

50 said his album is going to crush kanye's. i think kanye album is going to crush 50"s. i dont like 50 cent, he tries to make money by dissin' other artist, he cant even open his mouth wide enough to rap with those horse teeth. kanye tell stories with his music, and he makes nice beats. SO WHO DO YOU THINK WILL SALE MORE WHEN THERE CD DROP.

Who Album will sale better in Sept. Kanye west or 50 cent?
My bet is on Kanye
Reply:i love 50 but kanye is just really real and a lot thing he said is the truth and telling things how they are not how it should be. ,so i love him for that. 50 is great but a lot of his fans are kids and he is keeps on talking about money and that tell how ghetto a person is i love his first album but money really got to his head. kanye is going to win because he is real .

ladies dress shoes

Is anyone (else) annoyed by Everyday Italian's Giada De Laurentiis on Food Network?

Everyone talks about how Rachael Ray is "annoying" but OMG...THIS woman is SO MUCH WORSE (to me)! Does she HAVE to show her horse teeth smile after EVERYTHING she says? Does she have to add freshly grated Parmesan to EVERYTHING? Does she have to explain that you have to clean the BACK of your micro-plane EVERYTIME you zest something? DAD-GUM she irks me...anyone else feel this way?

Oh yeah, and Barefoot Contesa w/her Man Hands and the way she says 'fabulous' at LEAST 5 times during each show with her 'paid / fake' friends eating supper w/her in the Hamptons...UGH!

Is anyone (else) annoyed by Everyday Italian's Giada De Laurentiis on Food Network?
She has a huge bobble head! Seriously, her head is too big for her tiny body, it freaks me out. Also, I get annoyed with her voice...not sure what it is, but something just irks me.
Reply:LOL....Too funny! I agree....Sometimes they all sound like they are making sexual inuendos.....haha
Reply:if they annoy you so much why do you watch their shows? i'm guessing you still watch them because you seem to know them pretty well.

Giada's a babe.
Reply:i love them all. but they are making me get fat....
Reply:LMAO! How about the way she has to say spaghetti with an Italian accent! I CANNOT STAND HER!
Reply:i love watching them all....why watch it if it gets u annoyed?its an italian cooking show....of course theres gona be parmesan!!
Reply:She hasn't annoyed me yet, but I don't watch her show too much. They all seem to have their own "phrases" and things they do practically every show. I'd probably get annoyed if I watched it alot more than I do.

Why people supports Hillary Clinton when ..?

She is a hypocrite, fake, a republican with a mask that wanted the troops to stay and then she realized that was not on the bases of the democratic party, she supported WORLDWIDE HUMILLATION when bill clinton cheated on her, there she showed how stupid she is, she only did that because if not her plans of making to the presidency would get ruined. She showed how obsessed she is with power at the point she supported that kind of humillation. I mean she criticize Obama of lack of experience haha and she, does she has experience ? maybe a little bit more, but on cheating, taking stupid decisions and making promises and not accomplish them ! and then the poor dwarf, horse - teeth suggests Obama to make a duo (of course she being the president) when she is loosing haha how clumsy is that, Obama is winning and the dwarf thinks he is going to accept, people open your eyes and stop supporting this kind of hypocrites. Obama, you will be the next president !

Why people supports Hillary Clinton when ..?
Grammar anyone?

And you are delusional if you think Hillary Clinton is a closet republican. They have been attacking her for 20 years for goodness sakes.

Obama and Hillary both voted the same on the troop surge by the way, and Obama wasn't in any goverment position in 2002 when Bush decided to invade Iraq. Congress (and many democrats) gave Bush the authority to invade.

Since Obama always votes with democrats, I believe he would have voted the same way as most other democrats did at the time. In 2002 he was running a campaign, and I think it's clear at this point that he only says what his audience wants to hear.
Reply:Hillary is bad news. BUT, who is the lesser of two evils...Hillary or Obama?
Reply:Please learn how to write and speak properly before you post a rant.
Reply:Well you won't have to worry your sweet little head and cry no tears as the video below shows how Obama is a FALSE Christian...seriously.

It will be on the news in 24 hours its on youtube below.
Reply:I have a uterus and women love to vote for anyone with a uterus.

Never mine that I am a lying, scheming, race baiter....I will always have my white women vote.

Thank you Satan!
Reply:Hmmmmm i bet you feel much better now don't you ? thats it rant and get it all out .....lolll
Reply:Rick A has a youtube video.... We all know that he must be correct... Because we all know EVERYTHING on youtube is correct....

you are absolutely correct... People follow Clinton BECAUSE she is a republican in disguise... The repubs want her because she will fulfill their agenda and that is what they want... They want her more than Obama because she has already been corrupted by government... She reeks of republican tactics and will attempt to do whatever it takes to get into office...
Reply:No I dont agree with you. And I think your rant is based out of hatred and not facts.
Reply:Yes, I'm agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA'08

She force voters to vote for her, please open your eyes and mind stop supporting her.
Reply:You need to get your facts straight before you start your rant. Look it up, obama has waffled on that issue a lot since he made that one speech against it. They showed different clips of him saying one time that his and bushes views on the war didn't differ much, he also said that he thought that it would be a mistake and dangerous to take the troops out now, and there were other times they showed all of those clips of obama himself saying those things, not hear say. And he changed his views after he started running for president. Open your eyes. You seem to have a double standard. You judge Hillary on how she is stupid for and the reasons she stood by bill with out knowing what her reasons were. But obama followers want us to not judge obama because of the way it appears to us that he stayed at that church because he must have believed like wright does a little. You must be scared that obama will loose or you would not put such a childish rant in hear about Hillary with out having your facts right.
Reply:Please learn English before asking questions. Her faithfulness to Bill is comforting because it shows she will not flee the sinking ship if something were to happen. She has been an activist for lower cost of health insurance for children since the 1970's. She has dealt with foreign powers before and has taken a lesson from them. There is little doubt her heart is with the country.
Reply:In my opinion, neither Obama or Hilary should step foot in the white house. The democratic party is causing too much "he said she said" drama for the united states to make an educated vote. I'm not a set republican, and I'm not a set democrat. I will vote for whoever I feel can run our country the best, and who will take care of the many issues we are facing as a nation at this very moment. Hilary and Obama have shown me nothing to be impressed with, either way.
Reply:U are just as fake as she is. I personally do not support any of these two lame @ss candidates. U are a sucker for a well written speech that Obama can deliver. what makes you believe one is better than the other? U been watchin way too many Youtube videos about the presidential race, and comment of how righteous obama is. They both don't know how to take care of this country. Candidates tell everything on their power to lure such a weakling like you to believe them. Its like voting for prom queens and kings. Make promises and yet, nothing is done. The people that makes the biggest difference in this country are those who wakes up early in the morning and work till night time. They are what makes this country strong. These two people who are debating what possible changes they can make to the country are all just music to your ears its like watching american Idol. whether they win or lose they didn't really give a damn about you.

Who has better movies??? Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff???

Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay!!!!! she's way better than Hilary Duff!!! Hilary Duff is fake.... She has horse-teeth.... veneers eeeoooo!!! Lindsay respects her natural beauty and the gift of nature and Hilary Duff spoils all nature- gifted things..... but by the way Lindsay's wayyy better than duff!!! Hilary Duff never writes her own songs.... Lindsay has always won awards for her movies and her movies are way better than duff's and they are very interesting!!... and hilary has been nominated for the worst actress for material girls!!!!!! and her sister haylie is also nominated for it... i wish hilary wins that award..... Lindsay rockssss!!!! go lindsay!!!!!!! u rokkk!!! so my opinion: LINDSAY LOHAN!!!

Who has better movies??? Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff???
lindsay lohan totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she has a lot of movies that are really famouse not like hilarys where they are all girly and stuff

i mean they both are talented in different ways but to me it seems like lindsay's caught my attention better than hilary

for example the movie parent trap was one of her really goooooooood movis and hilary movie was okay...

a bit boring tho

but i totally agree with you about the whole thing you go girl!!!!!!!!!
Reply:They both suck and better hope Dokota Fanning doesn't grow up cute because she will blow them both out the water! But if I had to choice I would say the younger Lindsey is best before she got all full of herself. Seems as she has moved backward with age and instead of gaining maturity she has lost some.
Reply:yes, you are correct.
Reply:Hilary Duff of course. I can't stand most of lindsay's movies. And her music sucks to.
Reply:OK first of all how old are you? Second of all ummm do you not know that Lindsay has been in rehab and AA for alcohol? She's a constant chain smoker and she hangs around with the wrong crowd (Paris Hilton to be exact) I'm not crazy about both of them but at least you can say that you dont hear bad things about Hilary Duff in the news. She has veneers, so what? Does that bother you?
Reply:lindsay lohan have better movies
Reply:id tell u if i had seen any of their movies and im a movie buff.. so obviously i have good reason not to have seen either of their movies ! need i say more !
Reply:Both are not........
Reply:Who cares about either one of them? They are both losers. . .

Mean Girls is a classic
Reply:neither they both are over rated
Reply:Who cares!!!!!!
Reply:they both horrible. eeeewww how can u say lindsey is better? she is ginger and frekled. hold on a minute....

hilary is also ginger and frekled isnt she?
Reply:Well, I dont like H.D too , as u said she is fake and also her voice is terribly awful !!!!

So Lindsay Lohan ROCKS , she is such a great actress and singer . She has a perfect body and of course face . She can act and sing , she is gifted (+talented) !!!!! I LOVE Lindsay !!!!!

I'm looking for the top rated Prosthodontists in CT. Are there any experiences you can share?

My father has a heart condition due to a childhood illness (Rheumatic Fever) %26amp; recently got an infection in his gums due to neglect. He’s not one for doctors, (growing up we couldn’t afford med insurance anyway) but after 30 yrs I got him to go to the walk-in clinic. They gave him antibiotics %26amp; told him to see a dentist ASAP. His oral health is detrimental to his heart. Insurance or not, I desperately need to get him to a good dentist. Most of his teeth are missing, so he will have to get a complete set of dentures. I am looking for the best dentist in CT. I want his new dentures to look as close to natural as possible, not like horse teeth. He may also need oral tissue repair. So far my research points to seeking a Prosthodontist. Any insight, knowledge, or experience you can provide is greatly appreciated; I want to help him make the best possible decisions through this process.

I'm looking for the top rated Prosthodontists in CT. Are there any experiences you can share?
See a Periodontist to treat the gum infection. Then go to a prosthodontist.


I met this awesome guy...?

He is really great but the only problem is that when he smiles he looks like a horse. But I have Dentric Hippophobia - fear of horse teeth. When my bf smiles I get all panicky, can't breathe, almost black out... Is there a tactful way to tell him to stop smiling?

I met this awesome guy...?
i've found brown paper bags to be much more useful in such situations.
Reply:Just don't do anything that would make him happy.
Reply:if you knocked out every second tooth of his, he'd be striped like a zebra. would that help?
Reply:Uh, this seems liek something that should be on Montel williams or somthing hahahaha
Reply:Just buy him an executioner's mask and tell him you think he looks hot in it.. that way you don't have to see his teeth.
Reply:Girl, com'on be real... How can you ask a person to stop smiling? You just can't do that. Is like asking someone to stop breathing... and if you really get that feeling when you see him smile then he is not the guy for you. When you really love %26amp; like someone it's gotta be 100%... u can't like him 95% or 50%... if something of his physical features bothers you to the point of wanting to faint.... something is definately wrong... I guess you can talk to him about different options to correct his denture... "cosmetic dentistry" (braces, veneer..whatever is needed) and hang in there while in process of correcting this lil problem... but don't try to make him stop smiling or you might hurt his feelings...
Reply:Just tell him you have some kind of affliction that affects your immune system so that he has to wear one of those surgical mask things, or whatever they're called. The only problem is that you will have to wear one too so your story looks true. Good luck!
Reply:Just feed him plenty of my Milkshakes and Pies- then hide his tooth brush. He'll go from horsemouth to jack-o-lantern in no time!
Reply:Just treat him like Cr@p and he'll stop smiling all onhis own... Guys love it when we do that!
Reply:Have a couple of friends beat the b'jesus out of him, focusing on his face, and that way he gets all new teeth. I've found that a 2X4 works best for teeth removal.
Reply:Tell him you don't do *certain things* in the bedroom......

Trust me, he'll never smile again.
Reply:Make a pig snort sound everytime you laugh - then when he gets disgusted with that and finally says something - cut him a deal ;)

Need help choosing the right dentist for cosmetic and oral tissue repair?

My father has a heart condition due to a childhood illness (Rheumatic Fever) %26amp; recently got an infection in his gums due to neglect. He’s not one for doctors, (growing up we couldn’t afford med insurance anyway) but after 30 yrs I got him to go to the walk-in clinic. They gave him antibiotics %26amp; told him to see a dentist ASAP. His oral health is detrimental to his heart. Insurance or not, I desperately need to get him to a good dentist. Most of his teeth are missing, so he will have to get a complete set of dentures. I am looking for the best dentist in CT. I want his new dentures to look as close to natural as possible, not like horse teeth. He may also need oral tissue repair. So far my research points to seeking a Prosthodontist. Any insight, knowledge, or experience you can provide is greatly appreciated; I want to help him make the best possible decisions through this process.

Need help choosing the right dentist for cosmetic and oral tissue repair?
The first thing you should know is that if it is possible to save some of his natural teeth, especially on the lower arch, you should do it. Most dentists will invite you in to look at a trial fitting before the teeth are made to see how they look and get your approval. If you want the best, you might want to see a periodontist about the gum infection. Prosthodontists are especially useful in difficult cases.

Horse bite on ribs?

Yesterday when I was bringing in horses from turnout at the barn I work at, one of the horses I was leading in got annoyed by another running by and turned his head quickly and bit down on my rib. It was excruciating and knocked all the wind right out of me. It bruised right away. Today, it is painful and very bruised. You can see each tooth as a bruise and the middle where he chomped down is a patch of blackish purple. I called my primary, but he wasn’t in and the on call doc called in antibiotics and Tylenol/codine. I know only an x-ray would tell, but my grandmother recently broke a few of her ribs and they could do nothing but help with the pain. Yes it hurts tons especially to move, but since I’m not having bad symptoms like trouble breathing I’m hoping taking the meds and resting will heal it in time. Does it sound like it’s just a bad bruise that will heal with this care or could it have some way done more damage

Horse bite on ribs?
sounds like its just a REALLY bad bruise. . .but just to be safe, have them xray it soon. If its a punctured lung, you could be in seroius trouble if u dont fix it right away. doesnt matter if u have no trouble breathing, u can still have a punc. lung
Reply:They should have given you an x-ray. If you are not having any difficulty breathing then you should be okay. I would be concerned about a collapsed lung if you were having any breathing problems. Put some ice covered with a towel on the area 15 minutes on, 30 minutes off. It will help dissipate the bruising and swelling and ease the pain.
Reply:Apply soframycin to the affected area everyday twice or thrice and just rest.... You will get well fast.....Also get an x ray done you would then be able to defeat any other harm if atall has happened......

get well soon....

God bless you....

Who thinks Miley needs serious dental work?

She has a big overbite and teeth the size of horse teeth. Her bottom teeth are all crooked and are all different sizes. she needs braces in my opinion. also when she talks it sounds like she stores her saliva in her mouth. look on to see this one pic of her

Who thinks Miley needs serious dental work?
How petty. She's just a kid for Chrissake.
Reply:i know! her teeth are like so small!!
Reply:she needs braces, i dont care that fans would be laughing at her! i had braces when i was 10 and now i have nice teeth! i love my teeth! so straight and white!

she looks like a horse..
Reply:me her teeth are tiny

and her bottom teeth are so messed
Reply:Yeah she has braces on the back of her teeth at the moment and if you look at photos of her a couple yrs ago and photos of her now you can see a real difference. But once her teeth are perfect she'll look gorgeous.
Reply:her teeth are worst than mine. well i just have the two front teeth crooked but she took her braces off because to many people complained on how she sounded with them so if you see recent pictures of her you can see that it's gone. wow, $7,000 down the drain but w.e she's rich.
Reply:she needs that, singing work, AND acting work.
Reply:i no right! all of that is true true true! if she has so much money why doesnt she get braces??
Reply:i do have to agree with u on the bottom teeth, but everything else seems okay.
Reply:Yeah, I hate being so judgemental but she has the money...and her teeth dont look very healthy. She's an ok singer, and pretty, its just that she doesnt seem to want to make obvious improvements for herself. Its not vainity, its care for yourself..its not like she'd be getting a new face. I'd love to have enough money like her to fix my teeth, who wouldn't?
Reply:haha yesss. yesssss. YESSSSS. =D
Reply:yeah i agree with u. she needs to see an orthodontist. im suprised she hasent yet cuz shes like 15.
Reply:Actually, she got them fixed. But they still look huge and almost wost than they were before.
Reply:u have no right to make fun of her just because of her teeth and she does have braces.y r people so ******* mean.thats low even for u.wut if u had bad teeth and somebody wrote that about u.i bet she has a better voice than u do.u r probably just making fun of her because u have no life.ha
Reply:she needs braces, headgear, retainers, well basically she has really bad teeth
Reply:I know, I agree as well.

I'm 15 too but I got my braces already but she needs them more than I do.

Her gums show way to much.
Reply:lol, i know

dress shoes

What is better, caps or veneers?

my boyfriend wants to get his teeth fixed (all of them) and his family and i were discussing which is better. financially, and appearance. he's afraid if he gets veneers that his teeth will look like horse teeth like hillary duff. which is better to get. keep in mind that he's having his whole mouth done.

What is better, caps or veneers?
it depends on what kind of shape his teeth are in. crowns (caps) are better for protecting teeth so if he has alot of fillings or weak enamel, crowns are going to be better. veneers are generally used just to change the appearance of teeth. they are kind of like press on finger nails, they just cover the front where as a crown covers the whole tooth. veneers are generally a little more expensive but not by much. my suggestion would be to see a dentist for a consultation. it may work best to crown some and put veneers on some. a good cosmetic dentist should be able to make them look natural no matter what u decide to go with. hope this helps
Reply:well, depending on what shape your boyfriend's mouth is in (i.e. past fillings and current needs) they may do a combo. veneers are not for molars, crowns would be best for those. if he is a smoker, he should stop because it can cause the gum tissue to recede (shrink and show the root surface). i've seen patients that had veneers placed and smoked and they had to have them redone just for the fact that the gums had receded and they looked terrible.

he needs to listen and discuss with his dentist what would be best for him!
Reply:sounds expensive. i suggest snap on smile. it only cost a grand. and you get to pick the shape and color of the teeth
Reply:veneers dont look like horse teeth if they are done right. i make them for a living. if his teeth are healthy than definately go with veneers.

When Hillary fails to win she has stated that she wants to be in a Hollywood movie?

What would be a good character for her to play, I thought that a revision of the sixties TV program Mr. Ed would be perfect, and she could play Mr. Ed, what are your Hollywood choices?

A horse is a horse of course.......

Yes, with big horse teeth...signing off.....Mr. Mature

When Hillary fails to win she has stated that she wants to be in a Hollywood movie?
The Joker
Reply:Gotta be better than W's " Bedtime for Bonzo!!"
Reply:Capitol Hillary, if there is such a character.
Reply:i dont know you can do whatever you want with her she is more republican then Democrat. Republicans are worse in america
Reply:Maybe my favorite Martian? She definitely looks alien! No wait how about Cousin It?
Reply:How about Arnolds next sidekick in Terminator 4?Hell they're both nazis.
Reply:You guys are really running scared aren't you? If this is the best you can do to criticize Hillary then 2008 is going to be even easier than I imagined.
Reply:A contestant in "To tell the Truth".
Reply:Grey’s Anatomy- she could have a failed land venture that makes her an expert in medicine and become the head of cardiology.
Reply:Bride of Frankenstein

Actually massivemann------"Bedtime for Bozo" was Reagan.
Reply:Cruela DeVil in 101 Dalmations!
Reply:Horse with No Name is the title of the movie.

VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

My girl she pray to God but he not ancerred yet. Do you think He will?

My girl she got horse teeth and she pray God, God please send me manna so I no fell ugly no more. To me she is beutifal but she have no confidence and no like her self. The only way she get teeth fixsed is with money but no I nor family can afford it. I no like asking Jesus for money but she hate her teeth so mucht. She tryed counceling and stuff but no avale.

She so pritty inside and fell so awful outside. What we do? We no ask Jesus for money is wrong thing but we no figure out how else to do it. Job do not pay enough. Thank you.

My girl she pray to God but he not ancerred yet. Do you think He will?
From what you ask, it seems as if you love this girl very much.

You tell us that to you, she is beautiful.

If you could make enough money, you would take her somewhere to get her teeth fixed.

You tell us that she is pretty inside. You are wise, to know that inside beauty is what really counts.

Perhaps God HAS answered her prayers.

After all...He sent her you!!!

(Remember to thank Him for all of the wonderful blessings He has given to you...nstead of concentrating on what you don't have, celebrate what you do have.

Think about it,
Reply:Well to get a answer she gots to feel it in her heart.If you pray something(I went to church tonight)You will get a answer when the thing she prays happens.Thats her answer.If she is scared to know just to tell if you belive in god he puts a fance around your house.I saw my gardian angle once,My friend saw hers too and thought is was a stranger,But it was not.If she ever sees her gardian angle,tell her to pray after that and the angle might give a answer.Tell her its not whats in the outside,Its whats in the inside.I really think this will help.I feel ugly to but to get my feelings back,I did what i said
Reply:which god?
Reply:I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but God is not going to do anything for you, ever.
Reply:Don't ask Jesus for money, he's a Jew.
Reply:love her for who she is...a child of God
Reply:God may be telling you to get a 2nd job or a better paying job. He may be telling you to get serious, too.
Reply:God will ALWAYS answer, even if its not the way you want. Just trust in Him and He will make it work out for His plan.
Reply:Ask God for the number of a Orthodontist who has a good payment program.
Reply:Just feed her lots of oats and tell her she is beautiful. God made horses too. They are one of his most lovely creations.
Reply:Live in faith and Gods word.Think not of what he is going to do,think what you need to do.Be patient,miracles do not happen over night nor do prayers.It may take a week,month,or a few years.

Praying to God then questioning his works because it is not on your time makes God question your actions.

Do you do it because of your will in time of need or is do you do it because of your faith in god?
Reply:There are a lot of children out there with far worse problems than to have ugly teeth. Tell your girl to keep praying God may supply your need sometime some where. God loves your girl but he wants all of us to think about others and their needs not ours. I have met a lot of kids that have lots of different kinds of problems. If we have faith in him he will bless us all.
Reply:Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Reply:Hi there....God DOES answer all prayers! It is either with yes, no, or wait awhile. Have you checked to see it there is a dental school close? Sometimes they cost a lot less and there is someone to supervise what is being done. A lot of orthodontists will let you make monthly payments....check on that. I will pray that God will give you wisdom to find someone who can help you that you can afford. It does make a difference to a child about how they look growing up. God knows this and will help you.

† On-call Prayer Warrior †

BRACES QUESTION: Can Braces push the top jaw "upward"?


My friend has a "gummy smile" where it seems that her TOP jaw seems "too long" --giving her a "bugs bunny/ horse tooth" type smile, and her 2 front teeth actually look "long".


BRACES QUESTION: Can Braces push the top jaw "upward"?
Reply:Well, I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but she can get the dentist to shave the teeth down if those teeth are too long. If it's a gummy smile, she can have the dentist recontour the gums. Why doesn't she just go to a cosmetic dentist for a consultation???
Reply:braces can bring teeth up but not the jaw without the help of other tools like a head gear or surgery.

Some things like rubber bands can move or keep the jaw from growing.

Gummy smiles are common and there are a number of fixes. Go to a cosmetic dentist for help

keep smiling,

Dr. Marvin
Reply:Often the reason for a "gummy smile" is not that the teeth have a problem, but that she has an incompetent upper lip. This means that her upper lip is too short. This often is a side effect of someone who has allergies or other issues that cause them to breath through their mouth a lot. The upper lip slowly starts to shorten and thus shows more of the upper teeth and gums. If this seems to be the case, her braces will bring her teeth into the correct position, but the "gummy" look may still be there. There are ways to stretch your lip back down where it should be and even professionals who can help with that, no surgery or damage involved, called an orofacial myologist.

Broken Teeth

How often?

How often should you get your horses teeth floated? I had my horse's teeth done when I first got him 4 years ago.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How often?
You should have their dental work done once a year, not always does the horse need to be floated yearly but the vet/dentist will examine the teeth and if needed will float them.
Reply:I suggest asking your vet. Also, read up on teeth care in horse encyclopedias. I'd imagine you'd do it somewhat often, so I think he may need them floated again.
Reply:Once a year.
Reply:Every 6 months to once a year.

I have a QH that gets done about every year to 18 months, but I have a TB that has to be done every 6 months or he gets sharp edges and has a hard time eating.

I think their teeth are a lot like there feet, some have soft ones and some have hard ones. These two horses are the perfect example of that theory. -just my opinion, it is not proven in any way.

On "average" it is to be done yearly.
Reply:At least once per year but they usually recommend twice per year or if you are changing bits. They can float the teeth so that the bit sits better.
Reply:For an adult horse usually once every year or two. You can ask you vet to check them when he gives you horse its shots. When they are younger you have to float more often.
Reply:I would suggest once a year. Be sure that you use a vet or equine dentist that specializes in floating teeth. There is more to it than a local vet running a file back and forth across a few teeth. Our vet uses a special vise to open the horses mouth and the files/tools run off of an air compressor. Yes the horse is midly sedated! The process may take up to 45 minutes depending on the condition of the teeth. We have had a horse that had to go back in about 6 months as his teeth were in terrible shape and needed to be rechecked. What you spend on having your horse's teeth floated will save you on feed as horses with bad teeth will not only drop feed but will not chew it up properly and it will pass right on thru the digestive system. That's why you sometimes see grain in horse manure..........
Reply:Dont worry about it again for years.
Reply:It's an "as needed" thing. Mine are checked at their annual check up and stick me visit. If they need floated, we check on them again throughout the year, until we get a schedule established.
Reply:I suggest having this done every year. Some horses in advanced competition or with problematic teeth will need this done every six months. 4 years is definatly a bit too long for the horse to go. I would definatly set up an appointment with your vet or equine dentist to have his teeth floated. Then the two of you can set up a schedule for the future based on your hroses needs.
Reply:I would suggest having the vet check the teeth when he comes out to give him his shots, (usually 2 a year) but they don't always need them don't each year. some teeth grow slower than others, one of my horses hasn't need his done for the past 3 years. and i have another that need it done about once each year.
Reply:They should be checked at least once a year, preferably twice. But they probably won't need floating every time they are checked...most horses get it done once a year.
Reply:Once a year.You're horse will probably need his done by now.
Reply:A horses teeth should get done every six months! you better get him checked out as soon as you can. And maybe find a new vet! its the vets responisibilty to check his teeth and schedule for the dentist
Reply:Personally - I only float my horse's teeth when necessary. If they are dropping grain or hay when they eat - that's when I float them. Unless I catch the points sooner then I would order a floating.
Reply:Well they should be checked once a year at least and then floated if necessary
Reply:Typically its every 2 years but some horses can go longer.
Reply:my vet said once a year

Is it normal to find youre brother doing this?

Well brother has just got a new job you see working at some stables, but the thing is, I was rooting through his bedroom the other day and i came across some pictures. One of them was a horses penis and the other was of the same horse smiling! I decided to follow brother to the stables the next day and hide behind a haystack to stalk him . But to my horror, when I looked in the stable, I saw him licking the horses teeth with his legs shaking violently! Anyway, my question is, is this the best way to clean a horses teeth? sent

Is it normal to find youre brother doing this?
There are few secrets so close as those between horse and rider, and people will make their own personal relationships. It is unwise to share toothbrushes, and a few dry rolled oats will help with oral hygiene for both of them.
Reply:Well thanks. 100%. Maybe folk felt spoilt for choice... it was the best answer tho. Report It

Do braces really work 100%???

i have braces now for about 5 months barely but i want to kno if they really work and what are really really their results....i got a really bad problem wit my teeth ppl would usually make fun of me bcuz of da way dey would look...sorta like horse teeth cuz my two top front teeth would be sorta a big square and make my teeth loook like horse or rabbit i really wait for results but i want to hear stories from ya do dey really work?

Do braces really work 100%???
Yes they work, but it's gradual so you may not see much quite yet. You have to follow their instructions afterwards for wearing your retainers to keep your teeth in place or they can go back to where they were.
Reply:i've had braces for about 2 years and my teeth look alot better. they got alot straighter. i think that they really work
Reply:well actually i guess it depends who your orthadonist is, because right away mine put spings on my teeth and you can definaltely see the improvment with in 1 month! and i guess it depends how your teeth are!
Reply:See it for yourself go to this web site.

Here they show you people's theeths before and after.

Screw ur political correctness?

A dwarf with a lisp goes into a stud farm, 'I'd like to buy a horth'


Says to the owner of the farm.

'What sort of horse?' said the owner.

'A female horth' the dwarf replies.

So the owner shows him a mare.

'Nithe horth.' says the dwarf, 'Can I thee her eyeth?'

So the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses eyes.

'Nithe eyeth.', says the dwarf, 'Can I thee her teeth?'

Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth.

'Nithe teeth.... can I see her eerth?' the dwarf says.

The owner is getting fed up but again picks up the dwarf to show him


horses ears.

'Nithe eerth.' He says,

'Now...can I see her twot?'

With this the owner picks the dwarf up by the scruff of his neck and

shoves his head deep inside the horses v*gina. He holds him there for


couple of seconds before pulling him out and putting him down.

The dwarf shakes his head and says:

'Perhaps I should weefwaze that. Can I see her wun awound?'

Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:2

Screw ur political correctness?
lol lol ha ha ha, love it!
Reply:lol vewy good
Reply:Bwah ha ha ha..inhale....BWAAAH HA HA HA....


hoooo....that was good!
Reply:Laughing my arthe off.
Reply:wun der fule
Reply:Made my day!!! STAR FOR YOU. Pity I can only give one.
Reply:You weely need a slap on the wist don't you?

Made me laugh though %26amp; that's what it's all about.

Any more?
Reply:Yeah great one ha ha ha
Reply:love it!
Reply:Ha Ha! Funny! 10!
Reply:Nice one.
Reply:ha ha ha funny
Reply:PHA HA HA HA!!!!! LOL!!! XD
Reply:Quite a funny joke, nice one.

computer security

Is this the best joke ever?

A dwarf with a lisp goes into a stud farm, 'I'd like to buy a horth’ he

says to the owner of the farm.

'What sort of horse?' said the owner.

'A female horth' the dwarf replies.

So the owner shows him a mare.

'Nithe horth.' says the dwarf, 'Can I thee her eyeth?'

So the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses eyes.

'Nithe eyeth.', says the dwarf, 'Can I thee her teeth?'

Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth.

'Nithe teeth.... can I see her eerth?' the dwarf says.

The owner is getting fed up but again picks up the dwarf to show him the

horses ears.

'Nithe eerth.' He says, 'Now...can I see her twot?'

With this the owner picks the dwarf up by the scruff of his neck and

shoves his head

deep inside the horse's v*gina. He holds him there for a couple of

seconds before pulling him out and putting him down.

The dwarf shakes his head and says:

'Perhaps I should weefwaze that. Can I see her wun awound?'

Is this the best joke ever?
Have you heard the thaying? 'Never look a gift arthe in the mouth? Or ith it horth? I enjoyed it though!

Most of us saw it coming.
Reply:lmao... poor dwarf!
Reply:funny but you could sort of tell he was gonna mispronounce something and that would result in a catostrapic event
Reply:Nope not the best. I saw the end coming.
Reply:too predictable
Reply:not the best joke ever but a good 1 all the same
Reply:All these people saying they saw the end coming, so did the dwarf when the farmer picked him up.
Reply:That`s funny lol,,,,,
Reply:I thought it was really funny

I'm dying to now if I am the only one who thinks this is funny?

This guy owns a horse stud farm. One day a friend phones him and says, 'There's this dwarf with a speech impediment I know who wants to buy a horse, so I've sent him round to see you.'

Sure enough the dwarf turns up. The owner asks him, 'Do you want a male horse or a female horse?'

'A female horth', the dwarf replies. So the owner shows him a mare.

'Nith horth', says the dwarf, 'can I thee her eyth?'

So the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses eyes. 'Nith eyth', says the dwarf, 'can I thee her teeth?'

Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth. 'Nith teeth, can I see her eerth?' the dwarf says.

By now the owner is getting a little fed up but again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses ears. 'Nith eerth' he says 'now, can I see her twot?'

With this the owner picks up the dwarf and shoves his faces into the horse's vagina, he holds him there for a second before putting him down.

The dwarf shakes his head and says, 'Maybe I should wefwaze that. Can I see her wun awound!'

twot= trot (not twat)

I'm dying to now if I am the only one who thinks this is funny?
i thought that was hilarious.
Reply:hahaaa.. that was good.... its funny to me..
Reply:yeah. that is funny.


The dwarf!?

A guy owns a horse farm. One day a friend phones him up , "I've sent a dwarf with a speech impediment to see you. He wants to buy a horse". Sure enough the dwarf turns up.

Dwarf asks "I want to buy a horth"

The owner asks him "Do you want a male horse or a female horse ?"

The Dwarf replies "A female horth"

The owner shows him a Mare.

"Nithe Horth" says the Dwarf, "can I thee her eyth?" The owner picks up the Dwarf to show him the Horses eyes.

"Nithe eyth" says the Dwarf "can I thee her teeth?" Again the owner picks up the dwarf to show him the horses teeth.

"Nithe teeth, can I see her eerth?" The Dwarf asks. By now the owner is getting a little fed up, but again picks up the Dwarf to show him the horses ears.

"Nithe eerth," he says "Can I see her twot?" With this the owner picks up the Dwarf and shoves his head deep between the horse's legs, holding him there for a second before pulling him out %26amp; putting down.

"Perhaps I should rephrathe that" said the Dwarf, "can I see her wun awound?"

The dwarf!?
Really funny, got tears in eyes on that one! lol.
Reply:nithe one

I better not tell the one about the dwarf with learning difficulties - Its not big and its not clever!
Reply:Gweat one!
Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh

Reply:LOL excellent, star for you, babe.x
Reply:That's very naughty
Reply:well he did ask, pmsl

star time

Reply:lol nice real nice
Reply:bwahath hath hath fery phunny and a thtar !

Dreaming about hair and teeth falling out?? PLEASE HELP! its scary?

i am 16 and i had a dream last night that i felt my front tooth and it was really wobbly and then they all started falling out and crumbling and i was in shock and was spitting out blood and a bone came out then i thouched my hair that was in plats (my hair goes down to my bum) and its all started falling out everytime i would touch it and i was screaming and noone would help me?? what does this mean? also i remember dreaming of a brown horse and a dog near a rehabilitation centre?? what the hell does this mean ?? please help!

Dreaming about hair and teeth falling out?? PLEASE HELP! its scary?
I think that means your pregnant when you dream about losing hair and teeth.

About losing teeth:

About losing hair: To dream that you are losing your hair, denotes that you are concerned with the notion that you are getting older and losing your sex appeal/virility. You are preoccupied with aging and your appearance. Losing you hair also signify a lack of strength and that you do not possess the power to succeed in an undertaking. You may be feeling weak and vulnerable.
Reply:i think it just means that you spend a lot of time thinking about your hair and teeth.. and then your dreams exaggerate it to a high extent. but what you should be doing is thinking positive about your physical features and yourself and it'll be fine.
Reply:usually the loss of hair and teeth relate to the loss of strength. have you been feeling a loss of strength?
Reply:I have had some weird dreams, and I bought this book to see what they meant. After looking up some of my dreams and reading the meaning, nothing the book said happened after. But I will try to give the information it tells me!

According to my dream book:

If you dream that your teeth are loose, there will be failures and gloomy tidings

If you dreaming about loosing your teeth you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs

If you dream about loosing hair, and baldness is apparent, she will have to earn her own livelinhood, as fortune has passed her by

If you dream of dark horses , it signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent, fleeting pleasures often follow this dream. There was too many types of dogs in the book to comment on what it means for your dream.
Reply:Megan referred you to a website which gives some explanations. They are valid in some cases. Dreams are individual stories that apply to you personally and may thus vary in meaning according to your age, sex and general disposition. I have found that it is mainly women who dream of teeth falling out.

Some of the answers you got suggest pregnancy and menopause. The latter can't be the case and the former is not likley as I can see from here. But they are close to the mark. It has to do with your sexuality.

I shall explain. You have heard of love bites. For bites of any kind you need your teeth. Lovers in their excitement may bite each other. From this we may conclude that teeth are 'sexy' items. Indeed, when you meet someone you love you will smile at them, thus showing your teeth. Monkeys of course would think that you are about to attack them. But as you know, love and hate, sex and violence are first cousins.

Think about what happened as you lost your teeth in your dream. You were spitting blood and even a bone. As I see it such a dream may well foreshadow your period. This is of course at the opposite end of menopause and this shows you how important it is to know about the individual dreamer before you can say what a dream means. It is now important for you to watch this. Next time you have such a dream see if your period is about to come.

Hair too is a sexy item like teeth. What does a girl do when she sees a desirable boy approach? She gets her hair in order, she strokes it into place, her hair must look good so it will appeal to the opposite sex or the desirable individual.

You have said something interesting while telling your dream: "My hair goes down to my bum"! This is revealing because you have made the connection between the hair of your head and the hair below, which is the pubic hair.

Hair thus is of particualr significance when it comes to sexual inferences. After all the growth of pubic hair is sign of sexual maturity.

So you see you need not be terrified at all. The dream merely speaks to you of your femininity, of your sexual maturity.

Now there is something else you will learn as you study your dreams. Dreams often speaks indirectly to you just as we do when we tell a sexual joke or when we are too shy to refer to our sexual anatomy and speak in metaphors instead, saying things like 'down below' or the 'water works' and so on. The dream loves that sort of talk. I call it associative language.

The dream speaks in likenesses. It likens one part or your body with another. There are correspondences between your mouth and the vulva for instance Even in the medical language or anatomical terminology there is reference made to labiae or lips. This is the ultimate connection between your mouth and your reproductive system. The dream makes use of this correspondence and when it wants to announce your periodical bleeding it talks of teeth being spat out with blood following. The bone might well say that the period is a loss of a life which is built on a skeleton of bones. It might in other words be a reference to the ovum that has been destroyed and aborted. This would be just the opposite of what someone else had suggested when they said that you might be pregnant.

So take heart, you are not ill, you are not really going to lose your hair or teeth. To understand the dream's way of speaking we must realise that it speaks associatively as I have already indicated. Thus instead of saying blood will flow from your reproductive system it will say that it will flow from your mouth. And instead of saying that fluid will pass your labiae it will say that the associated hair will fall out, hair which in turn is asscoiated with your plaits. (Recall the fact that the latter are in close association with that blood flow.) Yes those plaits are your crowning glory and thus a central item in the spiel of the sexes. And because early Christian women were not to make a show of their feminine charm in church they were forced to cover their heads with scarves. In Islam the women must do it still to this very day.
Reply:I don't know much about the hair or animals in relation, but teeth falling out, ususally means someone you know will die. Seriously, this has happened to me more than a few times, scarey alright.
Reply:The loss of teeth and hair is frequently associated with eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, etc. Are you nourishing your body properly, if not, your subconscious may be trying to alert you to the dangers of improper eating.. if that's the case, seek help.

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